Frequently Asked Questions

What does The CORE Institute stand for?

CORE is an acronym for the Center For Orthopedic Research & Education, and The CORE Institute is a nationally recognized leader in orthopedic and neurologic  care.

What specific services does The CORE Institute provide?

The CORE Institute is a multi-disciplinary orthopedic specialty provider. Our services include Orthopedics, Neurology, Sports Medicine, Spine, Fractures & Trauma, Pain Management and Physical Therapy.

How do I make an appointment with The CORE Institute?

You may schedule an appointment any time, 24/7 with our online scheduling form, or you may contact us at 866.974.2673 during clinical office hours and speak with a team member.

How do I cancel an appointment?

You can cancel your appointment by using our online scheduling form or calling our office at 866.974.2673. We ask that you contact us immediately to cancel your appointment, allowing us to schedule a patient in the open time frame.

What do I need to bring with me for my appointment?

Please ensure to bring the following to your appointment:

  • Most current insurance card(s)
  • Personal identification
  • Copay
  • Pertinent medical records and diagnostics (i.e., x-rays, MRIs, CTs, lab work).

If you are a new patient, please complete our New Patient Forms prior to your first appointment.

How long is a new patient appointment?

Every patient’s experience and appointment time vary, however on average a new patient appointment at any of our clinics is 60 minutes.

Do I need a referral from my family doctor to be seen at The CORE Institute?

Depending upon your insurance carrier, you may or may not need a referral prior to scheduling an appointment with us. Please check with your family doctor or insurance provider to find out if you need a referral. You may also verify this information with our billing department by calling 866.974.2673.

Can the hospital send you my x-rays so I don’t have to pick them up?

No. Due to Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) privacy laws and regulations, we maintain a standard policy of requesting patients to obtain their own x-rays to bring with them to their appointment with us.

Will you still see me if I don’t have any insurance?

Yes. We accept patients without insurance; however, we maintain a standard payment policy for all patients coming in for an appointment without insurance. Payment methods that are accepted for uninsured patients do include credit cards.

What insurances do you accept?

We accept the majority of offered insurance plans, please click here to review our accepted insurance lists.

Who are the physicians at The CORE Institute?

The physicians at The CORE Institute are fellowship trained specialists in their respective fields. They are nationally and internationally recognized leaders, experts, researchers and educators in orthopedic surgery and musculoskeletal medicine who are dedicated to an integrated approach to deliver the best possible care to each patient.

I have questions about the surgery I had with The CORE Institute. Who do I talk to?

We value your questions regarding a surgery procedure you had with us. If you have a general question about your surgery, please visit our Patient Education page to find out if your question is answered; otherwise please call us at 866.974.2673 and we would be happy to help. If your question is related to a surgery you are scheduled to have (ex. you need the time of your surgery, pre-op instructions, etc.), please contact us through our main office number 866.974.2673 and ask for your physician’s surgery scheduler.

I have not been seen before but have general questions about a surgery/procedure (i.e. availability, cost, recover time and etc.)

Please call our 866.974.2673 to schedule a consultation with one of our physicians.

I have a question about my prescription medication. Who do I speak with?

If you are an established patient and have questions or requests regarding prescriptions and refills, please contact your physician’s medical assistant or primary clinic.

If you are experiencing a medical emergency, please call 911.