The CORE Institute COVID-19 Policy

If you need to postpone or cancel an upcoming appointment, please visit our online scheduling tool below or call during business hours 866.974.2673 option #2 to speak with a team member.

Reschedule Online

Dear Treasured Patients,

We at The CORE Institute are committed to excellence in healthcare and providing the best outcomes for our patients.

In light of the Coronavirus Disease 2019, we want to provide the following recommendations.

If you have no symptoms, feel well, and no history of exposure or recent travel, then you do not need to adjust your appointments. 

If you have a non-urgent appointment and ANY of the below conditions, we ask that you reschedule your appointment by 14 days:

  • You are experiencing flu-like symptoms including a fever of 100.4 or greater, and cough or shortness of breath; OR
  • You have travelled to a high risk country (China, Iran, Europe, UK/Ireland, or South Korea) in the last 14 days; OR
  • You have been in close contact with anyone diagnosed with COVID-19 in the last 14 days

If any of the above apply to you, and you have an URGENT condition, such as recent surgery, recent trauma, or uncontrolled pain and swelling, please call our Clinical Triage Line during business hours at 866.974.2673 option #3 for further evaluation and instruction.

For the safety of our patients and team members, we request that you limit the number of people accompanying you to your appointment to the following:

  • Parents of minors
  • Caregivers
  • Translators

Furthermore, if your guest has the option to wait in their vehicle during your appointment, that will further promote social distancing.

Thank you for trusting The CORE Institute. We want to make sure that we provide you with the safest care possible.